Microservices Do Not Have to Be Micro

Microservices—this term has been around for a while, and it often brings with it a certain image: small, lightweight services, easily manageable and neatly packaged. But here’s the truth that often gets overlooked: microservices don’t have to be micro in size. What truly matters is how they’re structured, isolated, and scaled. Let’s dive deeper into why the size of a microservice is less important than its role in your architecture and how leveraging this concept can significantly enhance the performance and scalability of your applications.

The Microservices Misconception: Size vs. Functionality

When most people hear “microservices,” they think small. It’s a natural assumption given the name. But let’s unpack this. The term “micro” in microservices doesn’t refer to the physical size of the service in terms of lines of code or megabytes. Instead, it refers to the scope of functionality—a microservice should ideally do one thing and do it well. It’s about modularity, separation of concerns, and independence.

Consider an application that needs to generate PDFs. This might involve handling complex layouts, fonts, images, and even interacting with databases to pull in data. The service responsible for this can be sizable in terms of code and resource consumption. But that doesn’t mean it’s not a microservice. The key is that this service operates independently—it’s isolated from the rest of your application, handles its own load, and can be scaled as needed.

The misconception that microservices need to be tiny can lead to poor architectural decisions. Instead of focusing on making services small, focus on making them self-contained and modular. If a service requires significant resources to fulfill its function, that’s perfectly fine—as long as it adheres to microservice principles.

Scaling Stateless Applications in Containers

One of the most significant advantages of microservices is how they interact with modern containerization technologies. Stateless applications—those that don’t retain session information between requests—are particularly well-suited to this approach. By isolating these applications in containers, you can achieve independent scaling, which is a game-changer for resource management.

Let’s expand on our PDF generation API example. This service might be resource-intensive, especially when handling large volumes of requests or complex document generation tasks. If you were to embed this functionality directly within your main application, you’d quickly find yourself dealing with performance issues, especially under heavy load. This is where containerization comes into play.

By containerizing the PDF generation service, you create an isolated environment where this service can operate independently of the rest of your application. Need to handle a spike in PDF requests? Simply spin up additional containers running this service. Because the application is stateless, these instances don’t need to share session data or maintain state between requests—they just need to process the task at hand.

This approach not only improves scalability but also enhances reliability. If one instance of the PDF service fails, it can be automatically replaced without affecting the overall system. This level of resilience is critical in modern applications where downtime can have significant impacts.

Scaling the Resource-Heavy Components: The True Value of Microservices

Let’s dive deeper into the concept of scaling resource-heavy components. In any complex application, certain tasks will inherently consume more resources than others. This could be due to the nature of the task itself—like the CPU-intensive process of generating a high-resolution PDF—or the sheer volume of requests that a service needs to handle.

Here’s the crux of the issue: if these resource-heavy components are tightly coupled with the rest of your application, they become bottlenecks. Performance issues in one part of the application can cascade throughout the system, leading to slower response times or even system failures.

This is where the true power of microservices comes into play. By decoupling these heavy tasks from the main application and isolating them in their own microservices, you can scale them independently based on demand. During peak times—such as an end-of-quarter report generation frenzy—you can deploy additional instances of the PDF service to handle the load, ensuring your application remains responsive.

Moreover, because these services are isolated, they can be optimized specifically for the task they’re handling. For example, you might configure the PDF generation containers to have more CPU or memory resources allocated to them, optimizing performance without affecting the rest of your application.

And remember, the size of the service in megabytes or gigabytes doesn’t matter. What matters is its ability to perform its function independently and efficiently. Whether your PDF service is a 100 MB Docker image or a 2 GB one, as long as it scales and performs as needed, it’s fulfilling its role as a microservice.

API-First Approach: Handling Failures and Retries

A key aspect of building resilient microservices, especially those that handle resource-heavy tasks, is how you manage failures and retries. This is where an API-first approach becomes invaluable. By designing your microservices around APIs from the ground up, you can ensure that each service is independent, modular, and easy to manage.

In our PDF generation example, consider what happens when a request to generate a PDF fails—maybe due to a temporary overload or a network glitch. With an API-first design, handling this failure becomes straightforward. You can implement a queue-based retry mechanism, where failed requests are automatically retried after a certain period.

This approach not only improves the reliability of your service but also makes it easier to implement sophisticated error handling strategies. For instance, you could prioritize certain types of PDF generation requests or implement exponential backoff strategies to avoid overwhelming the service during peak times.

Moreover, this API-first approach ensures that your services remain loosely coupled. If your PDF generation service fails repeatedly, it doesn’t take down the rest of your application. Other services can continue operating, and the system as a whole remains resilient.


The notion that microservices have to be small is a misconception that can limit the effectiveness of your architecture. The real value of microservices lies in their independence, scalability, and modularity—not their size. By focusing on isolating resource-heavy tasks like PDF generation into containerized microservices, you can scale these components independently, ensuring that your application remains responsive and efficient, even under heavy load.

Remember, the size of a microservice is not the defining factor—its ability to function independently and be scaled according to demand is what truly matters. So, don’t shy away from building larger microservices if they fulfill these principles. Embrace the flexibility and power that microservices offer, and you’ll be better equipped to handle the demands of modern, high-performance applications.