In Kubernetes, ensuring that dependent services are ready before your application starts can be a critical task. For instance, your application might rely on a PostgreSQL database, and you need to make sure the database is fully initialized and ready to accept connections before the app itself starts. Handling this properly often requires custom scripts or tools to manage readiness checks, which can get complex and error-prone.

This is where go_wait_for_k8s comes in. Designed to run as an InitContainer within your Kubernetes pods, it ensures that critical dependencies are ready before your main application container starts. This approach guarantees that your application only launches when its dependencies are fully operational, making your deployments more robust and reliable.

The Problem: Ensuring Dependencies are Ready

When deploying applications that depend on other services—like a web application that requires a database or a cache—it’s crucial to ensure those services are ready before your application attempts to interact with them. If not handled properly, your application might fail to start or exhibit erratic behavior due to unavailable resources.

For example:

  • Database Dependencies: Your application might fail to start or encounter connection issues if the database is not ready.
  • Service Dependencies: Microservices might require other services to be available and ready before they can function correctly.

Traditionally, this has been managed with custom scripts or by building readiness checks directly into the application. However, these methods can be cumbersome and are often prone to failure.

How go_wait_for_k8s Solves This Problem

go_wait_for_k8s is specifically designed to run as an InitContainer in your Kubernetes pod, ensuring that the necessary dependencies are ready before your main application container starts. It interacts with the Kubernetes API to check the readiness of specific resources like pods, deployments, or services.

Why Use an InitContainer?

Using an InitContainer ensures that go_wait_for_k8s runs before any other containers in the pod. The InitContainer blocks the startup of the main application container until the specified conditions are met, guaranteeing that your application only starts when its dependencies are available.

Example Use Case: Waiting for a PostgreSQL Database

Let’s consider a common scenario where your application relies on a PostgreSQL database. You want to ensure that the PostgreSQL deployment is fully rolled out and the pod is ready before your application starts. Here’s how you can use go_wait_for_k8s to handle this scenario.

Step 1: Define the InitContainer in Your Pod Spec

In your application’s Kubernetes deployment, you would define an InitContainer that runs go_wait_for_k8s to wait for the PostgreSQL deployment to be ready.

Here’s an example deployment YAML:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: my-app
  namespace: app
  replicas: 1
      app: my-app
        app: my-app
      - name: my-app
        image: my-app-image:latest
        - containerPort: 8080
      - name: wait-for-postgres
        - "--namespace=app"
        - "--resource=deployment"
        - "--name=postgres"
        - "--condition=available"

In this YAML:

  • The InitContainer named wait-for-postgres uses the go_wait_for_k8s image.
  • It waits for the PostgreSQL deployment in the app namespace to reach the available condition, meaning all pods in the deployment are ready.
  • Only after this check passes will the main application container (my-app) start.

Step 2: Deploy to Kubernetes

You can deploy this configuration to your Kubernetes cluster using kubectl:

kubectl apply -f my-app-deployment.yaml

With this setup, the InitContainer ensures that your application does not start until the PostgreSQL deployment is fully ready, preventing issues related to premature starts.

Using go_wait_for_k8s for Other Dependencies

While the PostgreSQL example is common, go_wait_for_k8s can be used to wait for various types of resources. Here are a few examples:

  • Waiting for a Redis Pod: Ensure that a Redis pod is ready before starting your caching service.

    - name: wait-for-redis
      - "--namespace=cache"
      - "--resource=pod"
      - "--name=redis-pod"
      - "--condition=ready"
  • Waiting for an API Service: Ensure that a critical API service is available before your microservice starts.

    - name: wait-for-api
      - "--namespace=services"
      - "--resource=deployment"
      - "--name=api-service"
      - "--condition=available"

Security and RBAC Considerations

Running go_wait_for_k8s as an InitContainer also integrates well with Kubernetes’ RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) system. By assigning a service account with minimal permissions to the InitContainer, you can ensure that it only has access to the resources it needs to query.

Here’s an example of how you might configure RBAC for go_wait_for_k8s:

Create a Role with Minimal Permissions

kind: Role
  namespace: app
  name: go-wait-for-k8s-role
- apiGroups: [""]
  resources: ["pods", "deployments"]
  verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]

Bind the Role to a Service Account

kind: RoleBinding
  name: go-wait-for-k8s-binding
  namespace: app
- kind: ServiceAccount
  name: go-wait-for-k8s-sa
  namespace: app
  kind: Role
  name: go-wait-for-k8s-role

Assign this service account to the InitContainer:

  - name: wait-for-postgres
    - "--namespace=app"
    - "--resource=deployment"
    - "--name=postgres"
    - "--condition=available"
    serviceAccountName: go-wait-for-k8s-sa

This setup ensures that go_wait_for_k8s can only access the necessary Kubernetes resources, adhering to the principle of least privilege.

TLDR: a simple init container to wati for your resources

go_wait_for_k8s is a simple yet powerful tool designed to enhance the reliability of your Kubernetes deployments. By running as an InitContainer, it ensures that critical dependencies are ready before your application starts, reducing the risk of failed starts and other issues related to unavailable resources.

Whether you’re managing databases, services, or any other type of Kubernetes resource, go_wait_for_k8s provides a streamlined way to handle readiness checks natively within your Kubernetes environment. With minimal setup, you can make your applications more resilient and your deployments more predictable.

For more information, to see the source code, or to contribute, visit the GitHub repository. As always, feedback and contributions are welcome. Let’s keep making Kubernetes a more robust platform, one InitContainer at a time.